Starting Oct. 1st - Email rlarson@fbcde.com to sign up

A fresh new tool for you to add to your spiritual toolbelt to help you BE and MAKE disciples in your relational network, family, and friends. ZUME is your KEY pathway to being used by God for expanding His Kingdom. 

3 Zúme Tools


As a follower of Jesus, we should be reading Scripture daily. Keeping a daily journal using the S.O.A.P.S. Bible Reading format will help you understand, obey and share your Faith Story.

Scripture: Write out one or more verses that are particularly meaningful to you, today.

Observation: Rewrite those verses or key points in your own words to better understand.

Application: Think about what it means to obey these commands in your own life.

Prayer: Write out a prayer telling God what you've learned and how you plan to obey.

Sharing: Ask God who He wants you to share with about what you've learned/applied.

S.O.A.P.S. at work:

S – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

O – As a human, I’m limited in what I know and what I know how to do. God is not limited in any way. He sees and knows EVERYTHING. He can do ANYTHING.

A – Since God knows everything and His ways are best, I’ll have much more success in life if I follow Him instead of relying on my own way of doing things.

P – Lord, I don’t know how to live a good life that pleases You and helps others. My ways lead to mistakes. My thoughts lead to hurt. Please teach me Your ways and Your thoughts, instead. Let your Holy Spirit guide me as I follow You.

S – I will share these verses and this application with my friend, Steve, who is going through a difficult time and needs direction for important decisions he’s facing. 

Prayer Cycle

The Prayer Cycle is a simple tool for practicing prayer. You can use it by yourself, and you can share it with any follower. In just 12 simple steps - 5 minutes each - this Prayer Cycle guides you through twelve ways the Bible teaches us to pray. At the end, you’ll have prayed for an hour. 

PRAISE: Start your prayer hour by praising the Lord. Praise Him for things that are on your mind right now. Praise Him for one special thing He has done in your life in the past week. Praise Him for His goodness to your family.

WAIT: Spend time waiting on the Lord. Be silent and let Him pull together re ections for you.

CONFESS: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything in your life that might be displeasing to Him. Ask Him to point out attitudes that are wrong, as well as speci c acts for which you have not yet made a prayer of confession. Now confess that to the Lord so that you might be cleansed.

READ THE WORD: Spend time reading in the Psalms, in the prophets, and passages on prayer located in the New Testament. 

ASK: Make requests on behalf of yourself.

INTERCESSION: Make requests on behalf of others.

PRAY THE WORD: Pray speci c passages. Scriptural prayers as well as a number of psalms lend themselves well to this purpose.

THANK: Give thanks to the Lord for the things in your life, on behalf of your family, and on behalf of your church.

SING: Sing songs of praise or worship or another hymn or spiritual song.

MEDITATE: Ask the Lord to speak to you. Have a pen and paper ready to record impressions He gives you.

LISTEN: Spend time merging the things you have read, things you have prayed and things you have sung and see how the Lord brings them all together to speak to you.

PRAISE: Praise the Lord for the time you have had to spend with Him and the impressions He has given you. Praise Him for His glorious attributes.

3 Circles


3 Cirlces is designed to help equip you to have conversations with people about Jesus. The Life Conversation Guide APP helps answer the following questions in a simple and memorable way so that you can begin to naturally and actively share it with others.

  1. What was God's design?

  2. How did we depart from God's design through sin?

  3. Can anyone escape brokenness and what does brokenness look and feel like?

  4. How does the gospel of Jesus answer the questions that brokenness brings?

  5. How does the gospel compel one to repent and believe?

  6. Can we though the gospel recover and pursue back to God's design?


The 3 Circle App is available on the Play Store and App Store by searching 3 circles.